Symbolism in Lord of the Flies

Essay by nadia786College, Undergraduate February 2011

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Symbolism in Lord of the Flies

In Lord of the Flies, William Golding wanted to show his readers the true meaning of a real world. He wanted to show that reality is not always perfect. Instead of comradeship, co-operation and teamwork, like described in the ideal world - William Golding has created a murderous, bloodthirsty and evil society that has accurately represented the world that society exists in today. In an ideal world, hard-work plays out and goodness comes to those end. In The Lord of the Flies, the fire in the story is lit as a symbol of hope and rescue. In the ideal world - this would have resulted in their rescue, however, rebellion from and murderous acts from Jack resulted in their final rescue and not the original fire. So in reality, we succeed more often from luck instead of hard work.

Lord of the Flies can also be interpreted as an allegory or parable.

Ralph, Jack and the rest were given a choice and the knowledge of good and evil. The island in The Lord Of The Flies resembled the perfect type of Utopia at first, and all they had to do was follow the 'good laws' of the adult society. They fell a prey to temptations - pride, cruelty, bloodthirstiness, greed and the desire to hurt and kill. Jack, who was the head of the choir group and who was the also first to follow rules - could not resist these temptations deep within him. And that was why he was taken over to the dark side. (Reilly 49)

Many of the characters in the story are symbolic of real important people. They show how the real world is made up of people. Ralph symbolized a good leader who was the first to try...