A synopsis of the book, The Communits Manifesto

Essay by holocentauri May 2004

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The Manifesto explains the goals of communism as well as explaining the theory about this movement. Class struggles are caused by past events. These class relationships are determined by economy or the means of production. In the end, these classes would clash creating a revolution. As a result of a revolution, a new class would form and begin to rule. The two classes that are the part of the main clash are the bourgeoisie and proletariat. The proletariat would lead the revolution.

In all of history, it was just a series of class struggles. Each of the different societies had different economic structures. In these societies, different classes create conflict with one another when they oppress or are oppressed by each other. Marx believes that history should be understood as a process in which classes of society realign themselves with the changing means of production. According to Marx, history is shaped by the economy only.

Religion, culture, ideology, and individual human beings play a very little role. Rather, it is that of impersonal forces that determines history and its direction is inevitable. Still, this pattern of revolution would not continue forever, for the modern class conflict is the final conflict to end all class relations. For the bourgeoisie to exist, there must exist, revolutions, which leaves relations between classes unstable.

The proletariat, living as long as there is work, would eventually destroy the bourgeoisie. They are very vulnerable to the prices of the market. Age and sex are becoming less important, for the people are just instruments of labor. Marx describes the worker as a soldier and as a slave, working very hard for low pay. If the people live in the lower parts of the middle class, the people would eventually sink into the proletariat. It is so...