Teaching for Learning

Essay by richardvanraay March 2008

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It is crucial that lessons and units are planned carefully to facilitate the greatest cognitive development of all students, to make possible the coherent flow of the learning curriculum to the students' and to maximise the use of available lesson periods.

Planning is an important ingredient in being a successful educator and must consist not only of written preparation but perhaps even more importantly, mental preparation (Groundwater-Smith et al., 2007). Implementation of prepared lesson plans may not always be possible but to be prepared will still give teachers' more confidence to be flexible and ready to adapt lessons if deemed advantageous (Woolfolk and Margetts, 2007). Comprehensive lesson planning enables the teacher to confidently approach the class which not only instils confidence into the teacher, but also upon their students. If a teacher enters a classroom unprepared, students will notice. A teacher must of course set a high example as students may feel if the teacher is not prepared, why should they bother to work hard either.

Insufficient planning could result with students' having no clear idea of what they were doing or why, therefore one of the most important reasons to plan is for a teacher to identify their aims for the lesson, what they hope to achieve in class and what they want the students to be able to do at the end of the lesson that they could not do before (Robertson & Acklam, 2000).

Through successful planning schools and educators grow to be more focused and deliberate in their work. Effectual unit planning facilitates quality learning opportunities for teachers as well as allowing for a greater balance in the curriculum and improved use of resources. Comprehensive planning of whole units, individual lessons, as well as preparation for assessing students work, supplies the scaffolding for a curriculum that...