What techniques does the director use to create a particular atmosphere or feeling in the film Psycho?

Essay by blitzkeeHigh School, 11th gradeB-, November 2014

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What technique does the director use to create a particular atmosphere or feeling in the film Psycho?

'Psycho' is a horror-mystery thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and released in 1960 to critical acclaim. Hitchcock is able to keep audiences at the edge of their seats while also exploring the idea of the duality within all of us, amongst many other themes. The technical limitations of the 1960's only make this feat more amazing, as the movie is in black and white and is in no way aided by special effects. Because of these limitations Alfred Hitchcock uses many techniques to create a particular atmosphere or feeling in the film, this is done through the use of cinematic, sound and camera techniques.

One of the cinematic techniques that Alfred Hitchcock uses to create a particular feeling in the film is the character of Norman Bates. Norman's character is constructed in such a way that he always seems to be just a little bit off.

This is an attempt to persuade the audience into believing that he is the one responsible for the murder of Marion. However, the silhouette of the murderer appears to have a womanly figure, in order to dissuade the audience from this idea. Not only is Hitchcock able to dissuade the audience from the idea that Norman is the murderer, he also instils sympathy as Norman is shocked at Marion's death and we are left feeling sorry that he has to lead a life without her. Hitchcock is then able to manipulate the audience's opinion once more by unveiling Norman's split personality, revealing that it was in fact 'him' that committed the homicide. Hitchcock purposefully built the character in such a way that it is entirely down to the audience's opinion as to whether or not...