Are teenagers body images based on media images, as well, is having an "ideal" body image affecting teenagers ability to gain social acceptance?

Essay by no1biatch2uCollege, UndergraduateA, March 2007

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Literature Review1) Research Question: Are teenagers body images based on media images, as well, is having an "ideal" body image affecting teenagers ability to gain social acceptance?2) a) Davison, T.E., McCabe, M.P. (2006). Adolescent body image and psychosocial functioning. The Journal of Social Psychology, 1, 15-30.

In this article about Adolescent Body Image, respondents were required to completemeasures of physical attractiveness, body satisfaction, body image importance, bodyimage behaviours, appearance comparison, social physique anxiety, self esteem, depression, anxiety, and same sex and opposite sex relations through questionnaires relating to Body Image Satisfaction and Body Image Importance; as well as a Physical Attractiveness Scale, which evaluated how attractive participants perceive themselves. Key words such as body image, body dissatisfaction, developmental issues and physical attractiveness are used. These authors hypothesized that "the negative body image would be associated with poor psychological and interpersonal functioning" (Davison, McCabe, 2006). They also expected stronger relationships between body image and psychosocial functioning.

There were findings of a strong association between body image concerns and low self esteem among girls, this leads to constructions of body image as an important aspect of global female self esteem. Research showed that girls were found to have a far greater tendency to cover their body. Boys and girls often correlate being overweight with being bullied, therefore, we are able to indicate that body image plays a role in the social interactions of adolescents. Common measures of body image focus on the evaluations that individuals make regarding their own appearance, such as satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a range of physical attributes or general attractiveness (Davison, McCabe, 2006). They also consider the level of investment in appearance as an aspect of body image, as well as physical evaluations. Girls in this study reported a body image that indicated more dysfunction than...