"The Tempest" (Imaginative Journies)

Essay by StephiHigh School, 12th gradeA, May 2006

download word file, 4 pages 5.0

In "The Tempest", Shakespeare attempts to generate a world where the audience is transported to a world of magic and superstition. This is successfully achieved through the utilisation of numerous dramatic techniques such as setting, symbolism, creation of conflict and characterisation.

Prospero, in his twelve years of exile, has had an abundance of time to imagine his vengeance on his brother, Antonio. Using his magical powers and supernatural forces, he creates a storm to capture his enemies, with the assistance of his spirit slave, Ariel. Throughout the play, the audience witnesses Prospero's imaginative journey of revenge revolve to reconciliation and redemption. Prospero, on his island, is in command. It is his imagination that has conjured up his scheme for revenge and the journey is his to have power over.

Throughout the play, Prospero also experiences a journey of wisdom and appreciation. He learns more regarding the social order in which he lives and experiences self-realisation and discovers his identity.

Prospero learns that revenge on his enemies is not the best answer "Yet with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury Do I take part. The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance", and through his change, other characters such as Alonso learn something about themselves and others such a Miranda and Ferdinand find love- "Beyond all limits of what else I' th' world, Do love, prize, honour you."

The imaginative setting for Prospero's island allows for the unbelievable to take place. Because of the situation, Shakespeare can exercise his imagination to generate characters and thoughts that are not possible in a realistic setting. The island is a place of magic and imagination. The magic of Prospero, Ariel and the other spirits, Caliban and the masque all persuade the audience, to suspend disbelief and...