Terrorism Profile.

Essay by pirate67B, April 2007

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Terrorism has been around for as long as people can remember, but for the past ten years there's been a dramatic rise in activity. Terrorists use murder, kidnapping,hijacking, and bombings to pursue a political agenda.(Encarta, Par 1) These criminals are not just subject to the United States, terrorism happens all over the world, in every way, shape and form. There are many types of terrorism and terrorists with many different purposes. (Mockaitis par, 1) The primary reason for terrorist actions is to force a change in their nation's government. If terrorists are not satisfied with there government's political positions, they may end up taking the matters into there own hands. Another reason for terrorist acts is because of hate towards a race, nationality, or religion. In recent years, terrorism seems to be at a new high and attacks are more violent than in the past. Many groups operate within a single nation or region.

(Wilcox, page.1) Others have branches and operations in many countries. Because terrorists generally cannot match the strength of conventional military forces, they often rely on guerrilla warfare. (Mockaitis, Par 3). New groups are sprouting all over the place and terrorism being so secretive and having no forewarning, governments from all over the world have form alliances to combat terrorism and terror cells in hope of thwarting any further threats. While terrorist threats are numerous in today's world, the methods used by the United States to deter those terrorists, help to ensure that, while some terrorism is inevitable. As a civilized society we cannot resort to terrorism. Everyone has a responsibility to take action. The dependability of a government isn't what it once. Everyone in the world needs to unite to combat terrorism.

Counter terrorism has become the main concern for nations across the globe. In a...