On the Theory of Evolution & Natural Selection

Essay by copperheadCollege, UndergraduateF, March 1997

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The teacher isn't normally tough, but I got a 98 on the paper (he doesn't give 100's) descriptive, excellent job of backing up your opinion

On the Theory of Natural Selection

Whether it is Lamarck¹s theory that evolution is driven by an innate tendency towards greater complexity, Darwin¹s theory of natural selection, or the belief that the evolution of plant and animal life is controlled by a higher being, the process of evolution cannot be denied. Archaeological investigations have proven that species evolve over time, but the unanswered questions are "How?" and "Why?" The answer lies in Charles Darwin¹s theory of evolution.

Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England on February 12, 1809. Mr. Darwin was easily bored with his studies as a child, he turned away from his father¹s footsteps and becoming a physician after seeing several operations performed without anesthesia. He became interested in geology and natural history and was not intrigued by his studies of the holy ordge University.

He was sent on a trip to explore the world and while he was on this journey, he became enthralled with biology and geology. He made and wrote observations about coral reefs (1842), and volcanic islands (1844), but his greatest biological observations were those pertaining to his theory of evolution.

Darwin¹s findings begin in the Galapagos Islands where he noticed a wide array of finches whose beaks were different sizes. He believed that the physical conditions on the island did not affect the birds¹ beaks, but it was the birds¹ feeding habits. For instance, the birds with the large, powerful beaks ate large seeds, while the birds with the small or fine beaks, ate small seeds or insects. He theorized that each bird was suited to its surroundings and was adapted to its environment, thus the birds...