Timeline of privatision process(eg. on telstra)

Essay by raotownHigh School, 11th gradeA-, August 2005

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The GBE Privatisation that will be explored is on the privatisation of Telstra. The Outline of the privatisation process is as follows.

3rd April 1998

Australian government plans Telephone Company sell off.

27th May 1998

How the rich prospered from Telstra sale.

17th July 1998

The Telstra vote.

Another blow to the Howard government.

21st August 1998

Australia communication works face new impasse.

Telstra demands deeper cuts.

2nd September 1998

Job cuts fuel giant profits in Australian telecommunications.

11th November1998

Australian telecommunication union profits from job destruction.

12th November 1998

Union to impose Telstra's cuts.

21st October 1999

Telstra share value boosted by job destruction.

17th March 2000

An exchange on the privatisation of public utilities.

23rd March 2000

An exchange on the privatisation of public utilities.

6th May 2000

Australia's Telstra suspends workers on flimsy charges of storing pornography.

27th September 2000

Australia: Telstra's rural split-off-a new vehicle for privatisation.

19th October 2000

Australian government caught a bid over Telstra privatisation.