Title: The Great Moon Hoax author: Mohammad Basaj

Essay by albatros122University, Bachelor'sA+, July 2004

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The Great Moon Hoax

Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on The Moon? A program seen on the FOX television network(2/15/01) raised the claim that NASA's Apollo Moon missions were faked ones. The claim was supported by many "anomalies" in Apollo photos taken from the surface of the moon as it should be. David Percy, an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, told FOX: "Our research suggests that images of the Apollo landings are not a true and accurate record. In our view the Apollo pictures were faked. Many of the images are replete with inconsistencies and anomalies."

We will try in this paper to view some of the points that some scientists have presented about this subject, showing that the landing was a faked one, and in some times banking on some experts in running movie projectors, all that, to try to disprove the most historical event of the century, The Landing on the Moon.

Looking in details to the pictures

Here are some evidence that NASA did not reach moon, rather according to some movie projectors moon landings were set on "sound stage not in space". Probably an Air Force base called Norton Air Force Base near San Bernardino where they have the world's largest sound stages under tremendously efficient security.

This is (upper figure) a shot of Buzz Aldrin and Neal Armstrong planting the US flag on the moon, if the sun is the only source of light on moon, Aldrin's shadow A should not be so much longer than Armstrong's.

"Man of the Moon" is a famous picture, let's examine some points here. Look at area B, you will notice a shadow cast across Buzz Aldrin's suit, again, if the sun is the only source of light used, the shadow must be much more darker. Now...