The title is "Symposium" Diotimas view on reproduction , love, the nature of eros, and beauty

Essay by LeynaLou1University, Bachelor'sA+, November 2002

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Eros, possibly one of the most difficult words for man to define, is cleverly studied in Plato's "Symposium". Philosophy is the most perfect form of love, in fact, since the philosopher is the lover of wisdom and wisdom is the most beautiful thing of all. The lover is intermediate between being beautiful and ugly: if he were ugly, he would have no appreciation of beauty. Diotima, in her speech, explains that while almost all kinds of desire can be considered to be Eros, is can be defined as the desire that exists between two human beings. In her speech, Diotima discussed Eros in terms of reproduction. She also discussed beauty and the nature of it. Not only this, but she also discussed sexuality.

Love is not a god, according to Diotima, but is a spirit that mediates between people and objects of their desire. He is a daemon, a spirit between human and immortal.

He is neither wise, nor beautiful, but is the desire for wisdom and beauty. The idea that Eros is not a selfish desire, as one might think. Instead, it is one's desire to live their lives as happily and as beautiful as possible. Also, it is to create something that will last eternally. Love is leaving one's mark on the world, attaining eternal fame thus immortality. Love can be almost selfless, through creating things that will last forever, often one creates things that better society itself. Things that man creates in his quest for immortality will seek an immortality of their own. Creation is a never-ending chain, almost like the immorality of the gods themselves.

Diotima explained, or rather proved through questioning Socrates, that Eros is one's desire to have the good forever. Human beings are mortal. They cannot live forever, but naturally seek after...