Title: Televised Violence Does the violence on TV negativly effect children?

Essay by RupaCollege, Undergraduate April 2003

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Television is a central part of American lives. In some cases television is a person=s number one activity. Violence has become a major part of our daily television. Whether it is on the news or in a movie, even on in commercials, violence is present on the majority of the various channels. All the violence on television is absorbed by the viewer. Violence on television has a negative effect on children viewers.

Television was first recognized in 1939 at the World=s Fair. Some did not know what to think about television and there were others who believed it was a great invention. Social critic E.B. White, states, AWe shall stand or fall by television, of that I am sure.@(Murray) In the beginning there were no studies on how TV would affect a person. Television just took off with barely any research being done. As television grew, so did questions about the effects of television on its viewers.

One of the main concerns was the effect on children from television violence. A debate was born between Hollywood insiders, the government and the television viewing public. (Szaflik) In 1952, a series of congressional hearings were held in the House of Representatives before the Commerce Committee, officially beginning the televised violence topic. (Murray) A year after that, a Senate hearing was held before he Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency. This was headed by Senator Estes Kefauver. Kefauver had parents and teachers voice their concerns about televised violence. He also invited different experts to testify. After the experts he used TV executives. Then in 1972, the Surgeon General made a report and concluded that Athere was a consistent and significant correlation between viewing televised violence and subsequent aggression.@ (NTVS 9) Ten years later, the National Institute of Mental Health created a report...