When traditional school is compared to homeschooling, which prevails to promote a strong sense of community.

Essay by zorbamazoofCollege, UndergraduateA+, April 2007

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Imagine yourself a child again: you've already shopped for your new shoes (you got the ones that light up when you walk), a new shirt, new pants, the new backpack with some pencils (number 2) already sharpened, and you're in the car heading to what could be, what you're hoping to be, a great day of school. Excitement sits close to anxiety, your mom offers to walk you to your class but you decline; you wonder what your classes will be like, where you'll sit, who'll you'll meet, what you'll eat, and all- all of it- coming down to that reoccurring motif of: how to fit in, how to fit in, how to fit in? But now we're talking about public school. What about the 1.1 million kids that stay at home for school? (Homeschooling) Home school kids have a different kind of anxiety. No longer does wearing certain types of clothes hold significance-there's no one else in the class room.

No hopes of having a hot substitute, because it's your dad. Your work load is more focused (less busy work), but more intense. Also, fewer distractions in your day allow you to focus on your education at hand and subsequently your future education to come (i.e. college). Now how do you choose between these two ends of the spectrum? What is sacrificed with each decision? How do you define your education? I will discuss the social dynamic of traditional schooling, namely learning to work effectively in groups while retaining your identity, compared to the lack of these social interactions in a home school setting. I will dissect each method to show, when you compare the pros and cons of home school to the traditional class room setting, traditional school prevails and excels to promote a high standard of social...