
Essay by deaA-, April 2003

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In many books transportation is defined as 'the means to reach the destination and also the means of movement at the destination.' (Cooper et al. 1998) The innovation of the transportation had not only a dramatic effect on the lives of many people, but also on the development of the tourism industry. As the technology of the transportation started to develop in the 19th century, people started to travel and discover new places; to put it in another way, mass forms of tourism became possible. An obvious starting point is to say that transportation is very important factor for the growth of the tourism industry. Without transport, travel would be impossible.

This essay examines the primary effects of changes in transport technology and illustrates their application on the geography of tourism. Therefore, first of all, the essay will provide a historical-geographic perspective on the development of the transport and tourism industry, using the example of Brighton, which was one of the first resorts who developed the tourism.

Furthermore, the essay will develop the importance of the railway, steamship, car and airline transportation for the international tourism. After predicting what the future may hold for the tourism and transport industry, the essay will conclude with a brief summary of the main points.

'The socio-geographic development of tourism has been influenced by many elements but there are four factors that, it is argued, are especially important in understanding how and why the spatial patterns of activity have altered through time.' (Williams, 1998) One of those factors, and obviously the most important one, was the development of the transportation. As transport moves people from one place to another, it is clearly very important for the international tourism. The international tourism that exists today has its origins from the...