Essay by cnellis08High School, 12th gradeA, January 2008

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When I was a child my parents went through a really hard time and ultimately got divorced. This was a hard for me because my Mother decided to move to Seattle with my brother while I was stuck in Texas with my Father. I felt alone because half the time it seemed my dad wasn't even there for me. That soon changed because I would have periods throughout the year that thrilled me the most, visiting my Mom and brother.

There was this time when visiting became spectacular; we had planned a road trip. Even though it was just my Mother and I, we had a blast. We started out in Washington, drove south to Oregon, down highway 101 and followed the coastline to Southern California stopping at some pretty fantastic places along the way. First there was Cannon Beach and Seal rock, then we drove through the giant Redwood forest; actually driving our car through one of the trees that had a cut out for cars.

Once we arrived in San Francisco, we visited some of our family for a week and saw many of the famous sites. I rode one of the Trolley cars, went to China Town and Coit Tower. After leaving San Francisco, we continued down the coast to Pebble Beach, and Santa Cruz then crossed the state and spent a week at Yosemite. We visited many of the old Missions while traveling the State; San Jose and San Antonio to name a few. Next, we went to Lake Tahoe for a week, and after that we started our journey home.

While on our adventure, we tent camped some of the time, and the rest of the time we did what my Mom calls 'city camping' which meant staying in hotels. We played a...