U.S. History - Response to Industrialism Study Notes

Essay by thekingandqueenHigh School, 11th grade February 2009

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THEME: Response to Industrialism-as a result of the Civil war --> rapid movement in the 1860's of a industrial and urban economy-assembly line production and interchangeable parts - becomes a very successful way in which American industry develops-individuals called entrepreneurs (Andrew Carnegie -steel, J.P. Morgan, John Rockefeller - oil) - see immigrants as cheap labor & huge demand for this products that contribute so much to urbanization and industry (street cars, trolleys)-in 1860 there was 31,000 miles of railroad track-in 1900 there was 259,000 miles of railroad track-an overexpansion in agrarian production → buy machinery and become more efficient, able to produce more with less labor (supply goes very high and price declines) - many farmers left in debt-in 1880's and 1890's colonization is occurring - pushing into the interior of Africa and carving it up into colonies, Vietnam is taken over by the French-United States starts to have colonies, how nations should interact with each other? (social Darwinism, means that you have to compete with other nations)-Social Darwinism - if you are poor, its your own fault (fits in with laissez faire - government should not intervene, individuals determine their own status, based on individual ability and merit) problem is if government is not involved, wealthy capitalists exploiting the market - overexpansion leads to a depression (Great Depression)-William Graham Sumner-start to have a modern fleet, need fueling stations (colonies), need canals (building the Panama Canal) - problem is that Panama is controlled by the country of Columbia.

The US will help Panama gain its freedom from ColumbiaNew Immigration (Southern and Eastern Europe, Russia, China, Japan) as opposed to Old Immigration (people coming from Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Scandinavia - white complexion people) - leave western Europe looking for economic opportunities in America-1861-1865 800,00 people came to the United States-1860-1900 -->...