
Essay by kcal28 November 2014

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Each generation speaks differently, and this generation has been described to have fashioned its language to be "sloppy, rebellious and irresponsible." Penelope Eckert wrote that "[i]t is traditional to view adolescents in our society as sloppy, rebellious, and irresponsible. This view of adolescents is visited on their language, which is judged sloppy in its imprecision, rebellious in its supposed used of slang and profanity, and irresponsible in its greater use of non - standard grammar (as cited by Telley 4)." However, though our language is far from similar to the former generations' language, they fail to realize that this development of incorporating swear words and slang is a necessary step for a teen's individuality. Specifically, it helps teens develop a sense of belongingness, individuality and a place in the society (Telley 4).

Emotion is a large part of a teenager's life and most, if not all, teenagers express their emotional needs by delivering a verbal message (Telley 1).

Swearing, as "an outburst, an explosion, which gives relief to surges of emotional energy (Pham 5)", therefore becomes an effective and efficient way for teenagers to express emotional needs. With the use of swear words, speakers can express deep emotions such as anger, frustration and even delicious agony in two to three words. A "fuck you!" could summarize one's deep anger to somebody, a "holy shit" could suffice hours of expressing frustration and a "holy shit! fuck me!" could make sex more work, less talk and less awkward than saying "have sexual intercourse with me!" Two - thirds of Timothy Jay's swearing data are linked to personal and interpersonal expressions of anger, which seems to be the main reason of swearing (9). Pham argues that swearing reduces stress by letting out steam toward a person...