Under the Dome by Stephen King Book Report

Essay by Alagirl97High School, 12th gradeA+, October 2014

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Under The Dome

By: Stephen King

Report by: Mykala Hendrixson

Chemistry 3B

Death. Surrounded by death. The town of Chester' mill is filled with death. How can this happen you might ask. Well, ya see, an invisible force field drops down on the town sending the people into a frenzy. The sound of plane's crashing and cars honking as they slam into this force field. Shrieks of terror fill the air as a black smudge appears on this dome like force field, almost like a blemish on a teenagers youthful face. Loud, booming sirens fill the area. For young Junior, this caused him to snap. Junior is one of those big tough jock guys. The kind you rather avoid at all costs. With an aching head, he stormes to the frail Angie's house and kills her without even a flinch. Makes me wonder what on earth is wrong with him.

Turns out Angie lied to him but I don't see how that would turn someone into a complete psychopath. Later on, Junior fears of being caught by Dodee so he murders her also and shoves her dead, bleeding corpse into the pantry with Angie. I guess you could say it is a genetic default as well. His own father helped kill his own wife along with Brenda, and the two tag teamed and killed Coggins. What a wonderful family they are right? Not to mention his father, James (Jim) Rennie is a huge dictator and a Used Car Salesman and sadly a Selectman. Another one of these psychotic characters is Sam Bushey. She got raped by the towns make do police and turned homosidal and killed Roux and DeLesseps and then committed suicide by shooting her own brains out. Also, Carter attempted to assassinate Rennie but Rennie guted him like...