Understanding Children Self-Esteem Development

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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"You did well!" "You did it!" "Good job!" "Excellent work!" "You are wonderful and awesome!" These are just a few different types of praise parents and schools give children to help with self-esteem development. Parents and schools tend to praise more in order for the child to know their importance, but they are in no rush to utilize other options they must do with this development. Many people have thought that if children are praised, they probably will develop a healthy self-esteem. Children do thrive on praise when it is given to them on regular basis, but this can be unhealthy for self-esteem development. For example, if a three year old child scribbles a quick drawing, saying that it is the best drawing in the world is going to expect to receive praise either from that parent or teacher. Praise should not be expected for the child to receive. Praise does not necessary makes the three year old child have self-worth within his or herself.

It is necessary for praise to be specific and sincere to have a positive effect on children self-esteem, but it will not establish children to become independent, confident, and creative thinkers in the development of self-esteem. Importunely, parents or teachers will not automatically know that this is helping to build self-esteem within that child. In other words, praise is promising for children to have a sense of having a positive outlook in life by encouraging them to treat others with the same kindness and respect. But is praise the only key to success in self-esteem development? Despite the compelling research of self-esteem development in children, it is misleading to think praise alone from parents and schools is the only way to help with this development.

Parents and schools can not praise a child and think...