Unit 2 - Foundational Aspects of social Interaction

Essay by toyaplayUniversity, Master's June 2005

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In many cities throughout the United States, the prevalence of hate crimes has increased. You have been asked to provide your insight into this and recommend ways to decrease the occurrence of these types of crime.

Research the topic of hate crimes and address the following.

Create a profile of the typical individual who commits hate crimes.

What are some of the causes of these crimes?

What actions can be taken to minimize the occurrence of hate crimes?

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, 1996 defines a hate crime as "A crime that violates the victim's civil rights and that is motivated by hostility to the victim's race, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender". When most people hear this terminology, they think mostly of crimes done to people of other races against each but recently some states have included mental and physical disability to the list of types of hate crimes.

One common trait is of individuals that do such things are that they have some membership in a hate organization. The majority are fringing on neo-Nazi or Ku Klux Klan groups. This is not always the case. Sometimes these crimes are committed by individual citizens. Some people that commit hate crimes are just seeking some type of thrill from it. There may even bee a few who think that by them doing what they did, they were getting rid of all the bad things within the community to make it a "safer place". The most people just believe in the racial/ethnic stereotype and act or react on impulse. Hate crime perpetrators are not usually frustrated economically, but do show a distinctive aversion to racial mixing and inter-group contact.

Who knows why some individuals and groups victimize people and destroy property , many others are obsessed by their fear,