Unit Plan for the New Zealand film "Snakeskin"

Essay by TaniwhaHigh School, 12th grade July 2006

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Unit Title 'SNAKESKIN' - Adam, Eve and The Serpent On Tour

Strand Visual/Written - Links to Oral Levels 6-7-8




Transactional writing(7)

Interpersonal speaking(7)

Using texts(7)


Exploring language(6-7-8)

Thinking critically(6-7-8)

Processing information(6-7-8)

Achievement Objectives:

Students will:

1 Respond to interpret meanings, ideas, effects, explaining how verbal/visual features combine for different purposes , audiences

2 Use and combine verbal, visual & dramatic features to communicate information, ideas or other messages to different audiences

3 Write clear, coherent explanations; justify a point of view, structuring material confidently, in appropriate styles for different audiences, in a range of authentic contexts

4 Speak confidently, clearly, and persuasively in a variety of situations to recount experiences and events, communicate and explore information, ideas, and opinions, and facilitate discussion

5 Using a wide range of texts, narrate, recite, read aloud, present or perform, individually and in groups, organizing material effectively and choosing different techniques of speech and delivery to interpret and explore possible meanings and purposes

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

1 View & analyse the NZ film 'Snakeskin', focusing on how well the combined verbal & visual features enhance meaning & interpretation.

2 Identify, discuss & evaluate the elements of 'Snakeskin', including genre, plot, setting, characterisation, themes, symbols & motifs.

3 Use 'Snakeskin' to investigate the issues of peer pressure, temptation, values & personal/national identity.


This unit, aimed at Year 12, intends to both deepen students' comprehension and evaluation of the language and genre of film, and appreciation of film's ability to present topical issues to an audience . Film is often a critical expose of society and its challenges, using many dramatic and compelling images and techniques to simultaneously achieve a purpose and appeal to specific audiences.

This 16 period unit is an in-depth study of genre, plot,