Use of colors to symbolize the many different intangible ideas in the book "The Great Gatsby" by F.Sott Fitzgerald

Essay by Krystal KuckenbakerCollege, UndergraduateA+, January 1996

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Colors can symbolize many different things. Artists use colors in their paintings

when they want you to see what they are trying to express. Like if an artist is trying to

express sorrow or death he often uses blacks blues, and grays basically he uses dreary

colors. You automatically feel what the artist is trying to express. When the artist uses

bright colors you feel warm and you feel happiness. In the novel The Great Gatsby, F.

Scott Fitzgerald is like an artist. He uses colors to symbolize the many different intangible

ideas in the book. He uses the color yellow to symbolize moral decay decadence and

death. Then he uses the color white to symbolize innocence. He also uses the color green

to express hope. Fitzgerald's use of the color green the strongest. Although these are not

the only colors that Fitzgerald uses for symbolism, they are the ones that he expresses the

most. This book is a very colorful book in the sense that it uses colors to cover so many

different aspects of peoples lives.

Fitzgerald uses the color yellow to symbolize moral decay. On (Page 18) he writes

' The lamp-light, bright on his boots and dull on the autumn-leaf yellow of her hair.' He is

talking about Tom and Jordan Baker, and he is suggesting that tom might be heading for

moral decay. In the book there are several things that Tom does that might prove this. First

of all Tom is having an affair with Myrtle Wilson. A second thing is that he does not like

Gatsby, and several times he tries to prove that he is not who he says he is. Tom even

hires a detective to prove this. Gatsby had a Rolls Royce that was yellow 'His station

wagon scampered...