Using Technology to Cheat

Essay by lovetofishhUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, March 2008

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�PAGE � �PAGE �1� Using technology to cheat


Using technology to cheat

Benjamin Cesulka

University Of Texas

Using Technology To Cheat

Is cheating death wrong? Is it better to die or to try to save your own self from dying? This example of cheating death is usually not only encouraged, but it is praised if one does in fact "cheat death." Does this mean that dying is preferred instead of trying to live because one is in fact avoiding death? By avoiding, one tries to get out of dying by struggling to survive. In this case, the outwitting comes from the medicines that are generated from the minds of scientists to fight the disease or bacteria causing one to die. By using technology or intelligence, the disease is defeated. Should one stop taking medicine in order to survive? (Mangan, 1998)

Definition of cheat; to elude by or as if by outwitting, to get something for the betterment of yourself, even at the expense of another.

One can improve performance in sports by the following; Endurance/Weight training, Massages, and medicines to enhance performance from places such as GNC. These all are acceptable ways of "cheating" by giving yourself or another person an edge in a sporting event. This is cheating because by definition it is doing something for profit or betterment of you. By doing these things, it gives you an advantage over others in the world of sports. Then again everyone is expected to lift weights and do things to enhance your performance, thus giving an unfair advantage to the person or team that is training. The expense comes at the fact that the other team might not have these kinds of medicinal enhancers to level the playing field, or they may not be...