Utopia and more's age

Essay by alperselUniversity, Master'sA+, May 2004

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When Thomas More wrote his book Utopia the influence of Renaissance and Reform

had been spreading its influence over Europe and England.The Renaiisance movement has in its roots the rejuvanation of the interest in ancient greek culture and the re-examination of the works of Plato.Another movement which made its repercussions be strongly felt all over the continent was the Reformation against which the Catholic church of the times was in fierce struggle to subdue its influence. One of the works which best reflects the vogue and the tensions of such a vacillating and volatile age as the sixteenth century was was More's masterpiece Utopia. Most probably,More must have been inspired by the geographical explorations and especially Americo Vespuci's personal records before he undertook the task of creating an imaginary world. As we know,the discovery of new lands was the impelling force behind man's inextinguishable desire to learn and find out new things.

While crticising the english society and the period in which he lives,he uses the so-called memories of Hytholoday and makes him says what he wants to. He is in all senses an exact Renaissance man and the things which he takes criticises in Utopia are the things which a Renaiisance man also criticises. In 16th century Europe there was great disappointment with the Catholic church.It had grown to become a corrupted institution which was more concerned with worldy matters and augmenting its wealth than attending to people's spiritual needs.With the dissemination of these kind of thoughts and with the beginnig of the Reformation movement in Germany,protestanism and nationalism become stronger in Europe and England. When reformist thoughts and principles engulf England,More's inconceivable opposition to reformist ideas end up in his execution. Whereas,in his Utopia More will stand against religious bigotry and defend ideas of...