Utopia Vs. Dytopia

Essay by TaplockUniversity, Bachelor'sA, October 2008

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Utopia vs. Dystopia:Orwell's "1984" and More's "Utopia"OUTLINEI.IntroductionII.Utopia and DystopiaIII.1984The Plight of Winston SmithIV.Big BrotherV.Love FlourishesWinston and Julia in forbidden loveVI.The capture of Winston and JuliaVII.The conversion of Winston and JuliaVIII.Orwell and More on Utopian SocietiesUtopia's effect on 1984IX.ConclusionX.Works Cited"1984"Orwell's "1984" is a literary work that expounds on the concept of Utopia. Utopia is an ideal place or society in which human beings realize a perfect existence. (Bookrags) The concept of Utopia was originated from Sir Thomas More's "Utopia", which was written in 1516. Orwell, in a twist upon this theme, creates a dystopia, a world that is centered on oppression and deprivation. No freedom exists in "1984" as the main character, Winston Smith, experiences first hand. This is true for most residents of the fictional country of Oceania. This scenario is representative of the time that Orwell wrote "1984" in post war 1949. The war, the persecution of individuals and the destructive treatment of life and liberties influences Orwell's creation of dystopia in comparison to More's Utopia.

Oceania and the other states in this fictional world are ruled by a totalitarian government that is constantly at war with the masses. There are three classes within this society, the Inner Party, the Outer Party, and the Proles. Each class represents the upper class, the middle class and the working class. All classes were subjected to the hopelessness of totalitarianism.

Winston, the main character, works in the Ministry of Truth. This is the mechanism whereby history is rewritten to fit the party's beliefs and in turn will control how the citizens react to the world. The irony is Winston is not oblivious to the rewriting of history, as he is the one who does the rewriting. Winston becomes rebellious against the government, or Big Brother, the controller of life.