Vincent van gogh 2

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Vincent Van Gogh is a Dutch postimpressionist painter who has a tragically short career. His work represents the archetype of expressionism, the idea of emotional spontaneity in painting. Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853, in Groot-Zundert, Holland. He was the eldest son of six children in the family, and his father was a Dutch Protestant pastor. By the age of 27 he had been a salesman in an art gallery, a French tutor, a theological student, and a preacher among the miners at Wasmes in Belgium. When he was twelve to sixteen years old, he went to a boarding school, and the next year he started working at The Hague for his uncle who was an art dealer. While working, he realized that he was more interested in literature and religion than a business. Then he worked for awhile as a preacher among poverty miners in Belgium.

Vincent worked really hard for the poor since he was very much dissatisfied with the way people made money. His experience as a preacher is reflected in his first paintings of peasants and potato diggers.

He became really obsessed with art when he was 27. His early drawings were dark and somber, sometimes crude, but strong and full of feelings. In 1881, at age 28, he moved to Etten. Van Gogh liked the pictures of peasant life and labor that were first to be painted by Jean-Francois Millet, who had great influences on Van Gogh. His first paintings were crude but improving. In order for him to come up with the most important painting of his pre-impressionist period he had to make a number of studies of peasant hands and heads. And in April 1885 he painted a scene, The Potato Eater, in Holland. When he painted The Potato...