(Comp II) My text's used were Negotations, an English book widely used, and the paperback, 100 Best Loved Poems.
While reading the essay 'Muddle in a Puddle,' some very colorful images came to
my mind about what I have done in my life that compare to this particular piece. Of all
the times I have embarrassed myself by sticking my foot in my mouth, or by making a fool
of myself by playing with a strange toy in the toy department, only to my surprise,
everyone in the toy department was laughing at me. As Robert Herrick mentions in his
poem '_O how that glittering taketh me!' (100 Best Loved Poems, 12) That's how I felt
at that time. All of us have experienced things like this in our lives, and it is strange what
makes it so interesting to watch people make fools of themselves, as mentioned by Baker
in this quote, '...and
any one could could have spoken out as one human might speak to
another....not one had said that.' (156)
Yet another piece really spoke to me about the ways people communicate on a
daily basis. 'I led the Pigeons to the Flag' was very exact to the feelings I have of
miscommunications and mishearings. I can remember times in which I have done the
very same things that were mentioned in this essay, like singing a tune over and over out
loud, then looking over the lyrics later. Only to my knowledge, my version of
'Cannonball' was actually 'Panama.' The way we hear and say things is also very
influential in the way others hold us in their standings. If someone catches us slipping up,
they might think we are weird, or stupid. It could also be a good ice-breaker for a good
friendly relationship.