website evaluation

Essay by charlotte15 October 2014

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For the evaluation of the two website, I choose 3 main criteria, such as "The content of the website", which means, what is the objective of the company? What are the organization's goals by creating this website? Secondly, the "Design" is important, why the company used this colours, or images, or symbols? If the website have dynamic and clear pages, it's better to draw the attention of the visitors. Finally, if the website are "visible" on social networks for instance, and the navigation has to be "easy" for the target audience that they want to reach.

Concerning the website of Pedicabs, I think it is made to inform people of the alternative way of transportation, and try to convince them to use those tricycles, by explaining "What's a Pedicabs?" and "What's Spokes?". Moreover, they offer to people a service, more eco-friendly, by exposing the problem of the growing need for parking and public transportation.

Furthermore, they show us a very dynamic page, like if we were riding a tricycle in the city, with a very colourful website. The brand image is ecological, and we can see the emotions that they want to transmit, like a peaceful city, very quiet, without pollution and transports troubles. Finally, it is easy to navigate on this website, you can download the map, and there's always the most important sections following you on the website, so if you want to have the contact of the company, you do not have to search for a long time, and they are visible on social networks. I think, it's a simple website, there is not a lot of reading, they are going straight to the point, and you can understand rapidly that this company provides a service. However, we do not have some important information, for...