Were Influenced Throughout Time and Challenged.

Essay by animalzHigh School, 12th grade March 2010

download word file, 9 pages 3.0

1) Development of theories of evolution Evolution can be defined as the changes in genetic material in a population of organisms spanning from one generation to another. Small changes in one generation can accumulate differences in each generation and over time; they can cause substantial changes in the population, which can result in the emergence new species.

Throughout history, many people have contributed their theories and speculation to explain the occurrence of evolution. The below timeline demonstrates this: Thales of Miletus was a pre-Socratic Greek Philosopher. He stated that all matter of life started from water. Although considered odd by some, there may be a degree of fact to it. Today it is known that the largest constituent of the universe is hydrogen, which makes up 2 of the 3 atoms in water (H2O). The missing oxygen atom was added when earth formed. It is believed by scientists that water is prerequisite to life as we know it.

Thales theory is also strengthened by the certainty that the first life flourished from the ocean. So it is indeed that water is a primordial substance. As there were no other viable theories during the time, Thales theory was not socially or politically influenced.

Another pre-Socratic Philosopher by the name of Empedocles proposed that all species originated from one form. He explained this with relation to the separation of the four elements, the formation of the earth, sea, sun and moon and the origin of plants and animals, along with human physiology. He proposed that when the elements met, it brought about strange results For example heads without necks. Then as these fragmentary structures there were horned heads on human bodies and bodies of oxen without human heads. However these structures disappeared and they only lasted when they adapted to each other.