Why did the Central Powers lose WWI?

Essay by KeirHigh School, 10th grade January 2007

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1.0) Purpose

2.0) Introduction

3.0) The Great War

3.1. Background information

3.2. Tension that led up to WWI

4.0) America

5.0) Italy.

6.0) A war on several fronts

7.0) Conclusion

Why did the Central Powers lose WWI?

1.0) Purpose

November 11th, 1918, was the day the Germans signed the armistice of World War One. However, to this day, some historians look back on the war as a war that never ended. The purpose of this essay is to explain how the Central Powers, even though they surrendered, lost the war. This essay's purpose is not to convince one that Germany did not lose the war, but to show how Germany did, even though no formal agreement was signed. The evidence used in this essay comes from a vast array of sources in order to allow a point to be look upon and several different angles.

2.0) Introduction

"'They will not even come', Admiral Capelle, the Secretary of State for the Navy, had assured the budgetary committee of the German Parliament on 31 January, 1917, 'because our submarines will sink them.

Thus America from a military point of view means nothing, and again nothing and for a third time nothing.' "From the start of the First World War, Germany fought through boundaries none thought could be broken. Though the country was newly formed, and geographically smaller than some of its rivals, the country managed (with the help of its allies, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire) to gain the upper hand by 1915. At the beginning of the Battle of the Somme which started on July 1st, 1916, any hopes for a quick defeat of the allies were discarded by Germany and the other Central Powers. Germany began to struggle more and more due to the lack of supplies and...