Why did UN resolutions and Peacemaking moves of the late 1960s and 1970s not achieve a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict?

Essay by malonesportUniversity, Bachelor'sB, February 2005

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UN resolutions and peacemaking attempts of the late 1960s and 1970s were ineffective in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict for two key reasons; the first was the lack of effective UN involvement and implementation of Security Council resolutions, the second was the input of the superpowers, most notably the US, who involved themselves in the peace talks on and off during both periods, when a strong backing of UN resolutions from the start may have helped restore peace. The stubborn reluctance of Israel to trade land it had occupied through warfare in return for peace, was another reason why a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict was not achieved.

An area that could possibly be seen to effect the peace efforts of the late 1960s was why did the Security Council take too long in deciding on a process for peace making after the June 1967 war? Israel was victorious within six days of launching their attack on the 5th June.

During the start of the conflict and the following months the Security Council by unanimous vote passed six resolutions and agreed one statement of consensus. This action by the Security Council would suggest that a framework for peace would have been agreed upon quickly, but this was not the case. Various groups presented different frameworks for peace to the Security Council; these proposals had to be clear and be agreed upon by members of the Security Council and avoid a veto by one of the members. The Soviet Union's proposal along with two other groups called for the total withdrawal of Israeli forces, however the British and American proposal referred to Israeli withdrawal from lands occupied during the June fighting. The British proposal reiterated the "inadmissibility of territory acquired by war." It was the British text that was approved...