Why education is key to improving Human Development around the world

Essay by BillLiuHigh School, 10th gradeA, October 2014

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What is Human Wellbeing:

Human wellbeing is the ability of people to access the things they need and want in order to live happy and content lives. Geographers can measure this on many different scales by collecting and analysing data on the population of a specific area, as well as the geographical data of the area itself. This is called the Human Development Index (HDI). The world currently faces a huge inequality in the distribution of wealth. Which leads to some living on less than $1 a day and some having problems getting consistent access to clean water. The richest 20 percent of the world earns 83 percent of the world's wealth and the poorest 20 percent earns 1.4 percent of the world's wealth. This problem exist on a smaller scale within countries as well. Although the problem is less prevalent in more economically developed countries such as Australia and Canada.

Newly industrialised countries (NICs) like India and China have particularly uneven distribution of wealth. This is mainly caused by large already established industries from MEDCs taking advantage of the cheap labourers in less economically developed countries (LEDCs), and thus slowly creating a NIC.

What can solve some of the world's problems in terms of human development and wellbeing?

Education is the most important factor to the world's development and its population's wellbeing. Most countries north of the Brandt line have around 9-12 years of compulsory education. The community benefits greatly from this and allows for a wider range of opportunities for the young population joining the workforce. Education maximizes a person's potential and their ability to make thoughtful decisions which could lead to a better country. Education...