Why is Ghana an LEDC?

Essay by basimjJunior High, 9th gradeB, November 2014

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Why is Ghanaaledc?

Ghana is located in the west of Africa. Levels of development are different in lots of countries. But in Ghana they are exceptionally low. There are many different reasons as to why Ghana is an LEDC. They are split up into 3 categories: Socio-economic, Historical and Environmental. In this essay I will explain which one is more important.

Socio-economic reasons are the trade, the slave trade, the country having its resources taken, Debt, Poverty and war. Trade is a reason because they gave the traders their toughest and strongest men and got brandy, textiles, and arms which they all use up in war. The Slave trade is a reason because the tribes in Ghana give theirstrongestpeople, often not willingly, and the invaders take the resources andno resources are left to use in the war. Thus they always will lose. They also can't fight back against the slave traders because all the resources are taken, so they have no choice except to stand back and be forced to watch their own people be taken away to American plantations, where they will be worked to death.

Taken resources means that they can't win wars and so they keep losing more money and becoming poorer. Debt means that they cannot ask for any more resources as they already owe money to different banks. Poverty means that they can't afford to buy food. War means that they spend all of their resources on war so they can win and they just end up getting poorer. They will lose because all the fastest and strongest warriors will be taken for slaves and the weakest left behind.

Historical Reasons are corruption. Corruption because in the past they were united but they began to get greedy and fight over land. If there was...