Why Not Christmas

Essay by EmargoJunior High, 8th gradeA+, June 2002

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I've heard it most often when someone is talking about children. Some folks even say, "Christmas is for children." Do they mean that Christmas is no more than fairy-tale wonderment? For sure, December is chock-full of kid fun, from cartoon specials and candy treats to Santa and his sack.

Even when we say, "Let's not lose the real meaning of Christmas," that points us to the manger where we find ? a child! But just because Christmas is about the coming of a child does not make it childish.

Before we even come to the climatic episode of Christ's birth, we stub our toes on this little hidden rock of faith concealed in the story's beginning.

It's when the angel Gabriel tells Mary of God's plan, which includes her participation. It's out of sync with her plans and seems humanly impossible. We hear this text on the fourth Sunday in Advent, often the day congregations stage their children's pageant.

This incredible story could open these plays.

We'd all be reminded that Mary is a bit perplexed ? and shocked ? hearing that she is about to bear a child. Before the multitude of angels announced Jesus' birth ? the "reason for the season" ? this one angel tells a lone young woman what all of this is going to do, to prove, to mean. Here's the point of it all, Gabriel proclaims: Nothing will be impossible with God.

This statement of faith hasn't found its way into the messages on our Christmas cards. But it is the explanation Mary received. It's what the season reveals: Nothing will be impossible with God.
