Essay by natho167High School, 12th gradeA-, July 2006

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Wilfred Owen

Wilfred Owen's poetry explores the emotional and psychological impact on men who had to kill in order to survive - it exposes the lies and propaganda. Owen wanted to inform, awaken and enlighten people about war, presenting it in a soldier's perspective. Throughout his poems, war is personified as a powerful entity also seen as death and evil. Owen's poetry is rich in symbolism and imagery, it appeals to the senses. "Dulce Et Decorum Est" is a quotation from Horace, meaning it is sweet and decorous to die for one's country. "Anthem For Doomed Youth" is an outcry as Owen sends a message of confusion as to why innocence has been lost. Another poem in which Owen reflects on the immortality and fatality of war is "Futility".

"Dulce Et Decorum Est" conveys a message of the lack of heroism in wartime. Owen dramatically deflates the romantic heroism of war.

"Like old beggars", is a quote from the poem that conjures up images of the soldiers' weariness and lack of motivation, this technique is used to convey Owen's idea of being forced and trudging on. This piece is significant as it relates back to the composer. By the use of such words as "me" and "my", Owen makes the poem more personal therefore making the experience more real. "Dulce Et Decorum Est" highlights the pityness of war and the use of conversational tone, "in all my dreams, before my helpless sight", is personal and once again conveying reality to the reader. This poem is significant as the title's irony clashes with the actual piece.

"Anthem For Doomed Youth" is a brief but passionate cry about the inhumanity and indignity of war. From this poem the audience understands he humiliation that dead soldiers...