William Shakespeare'S Tragedies

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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"Shakespeare is not our poet but the world's," stated by W. S. Landor in 1846 (Lamb 340). William Shakespeare has given the world a whole new perspective on poetry. Usually the pieces he has written are either hated or loved. He has written comedies, romances, and tragedies. All of his pieces have been wonderful but the ones that stand out the most are his tragedies. The elements he uses in his tragedies set them above all the rest. All the tragedies, which include Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; King Lear; Othello; MacBeth, all share similar characteristics. Most people think that the main element in Shakespeare's tragedies is death, but this is untrue. William Shakespeare has written many tragedies that share similar elements to make his pieces of literature attractive to the audience.

William Shakespeare uses the feeling of sorrow in all his tragedies he has written to make the audience admire the character who faces adversity .

One of the many miracles of his pieces are how people learn to love the man is disliked when he suffers (Jorgensen 8). All of Shakespeare's protagonists learn as the play goes on how to react from the ordeal (Jorgensen 1). This element of his writing is more important than the deaths or who wins or loses. The suffering in Shakespearean plays really shows what a "tough world" is mainly about. Jealousy in Othello, lust in Antony, revenge in Titus and Hamlet, and hatred in Coriolanus gives the tragedies most of their dynamics, but the deeper feelings come from sorrow (Jorgensen 8). One of life's major paradoxes is "love through suffering." As people suffer, they learn to love the things that are most important to them. The betterment of humans comes from suffering. In the tragedy of King Lear, the character of Kent...