The Women of Lysistrata.

Essay by vgreen1University, Bachelor's October 2005

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"The Lysistrata" presents women taking matters into their own hands against men who seem bent both on destroying their family life by staying away from home for long periods of time while on military campaign. The women also felt the men were prolonging a pointless war.

One of my favorite quotes in the play is Lysistrat's speech to the other women that states "I am a woman, and, yes I have brains. And I'm not badly off for judgment. Nor has my education been bad, coming as it has from my listening often to the conversations of my father and the elders among the men." Lysistrata learned from her environment, by being around the older men. Therefore she decided to be a revolutionist and take matters into her own hands to put things back to the way they once were. I think to truly understand the ironic part of this story we must look back at how these women were treated in each of their societies.

The Women of Sparta were taught to read and write but they were also expected to be able to protect themselves. A women's education was as equally brutal as a man's and included many athletic events, such as javelin, discs, foot races, and staged battles. In many events, Spartan women would run naked in their athletic feats. The women were expected and driven to produce strong, healthy children, and to be loyal to their state. Marriage for Spartan women was a non- ceremonial event. The women were abducted in the night by her suitor, her head was shaved, and she was made to wear men's clothing and lye on a straw pallet in the dark. From there she would meet her husband for procreative reasons. Any Spartan man could abduct a wife, which lead...