In a world of increasing globalization, and individualization, we are more concerned with our own lives, choices, destiny than with the lives, choices, destiny of others.

Essay by daniellen0407College, Undergraduate October 2007

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An ordinary citizen of the non western world is today more aware than before of how insubstantial is his share of the world's wealth. He knows that he knows under conditions that are much harsher and more devastating than those of the westerner and that he is commended to a much shorter life. The western world is scarcely aware of this, overwhelming feeling of humiliation that is experienced by most of the world population. Discuss the following: in a world of increasing globalization, and individualization, we are more concerned with our own lives, choices, destiny than with the lives, choices, destiny of others.

ANTHONY GIDDEN: Globalization is the way of the future. It will connect everyone with everything. No longer will there be divides within our society. Cultures will be bridge. Globalization is the natural result of human expansion. It will bring us all together. It is the key to harmony.

MICHEL FOUCAULT: You talk as if globalization is the key to world peace.


MICHEL FOUCAULT: I do not see how it can be so for you are forgetting the fundamental flaw of globalization.

ANTHONY GIDDEN: And what might that be?

MICHEL FOUCAULT: It is based on money.

ANTHONY GIDDEN: Ah. You are a cynic, I see; one who diminishes the value of money in the hope of doing so will create peace whilst neglecting to admit the importance of the value of money in life; an importance that is perhaps even greater in this day and age.

MICHEL FOUCAULT: Cynic. Interesting. Perhaps. But I prefer the rationalist. I do not, in your words, undermine the essence of money. One needs money to survive, but I will direct you to a quote I found whilst browsing the newspapers of the fastest growing economy in...