WWI Had Many Underlying Causes.

Essay by NYC8chick September 2003

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World War One

World War One had many underlying causes. Underlying causes are the things that take awhile to start the war. There were also immediate causes that led to the war. The underlying causes were militarism, alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and anarchy. Militarism is the building up of armies or navies. Alliances are when you go to war and another country is on your side to help you win the war. The love you show for your country is called nationalism. When you want to expand your country, it is called imperialism. The last one is anarchy. Anarchy is the lack of control the government has. The immediate cause of war is crisis. Crisis is the cause that can start the actual war.

The idea that a country needs a big, strong military is militarism. Trench warfare is when troops would crouch in trenches that had rats in them. They would shoot with the new machine guns at the opposing side.

The machine guns that they used would fire six hundred bullets a minute. They had tanks (which was Great Britain's invention) that would destroy the barbed wire, cross over trenches, and clear paths. They also had poison gas and fighter planes. World War One was the first most important fight where we used planes. The Germans had submarines (they called them U-boats) to use at sea to stop the trade. On the U-boats there were guns and torpedoes (which are like missiles) to shoot at the enemies.

The second underlying causes are alliances. There were two opposite teams- the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The Central Powers included Austria-Hungary, Germany, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The other alliances were made up of Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, and seven other countries. America was later added...