Essays Tagged: "Poland"

A Critical Analysis of Thomas Keneally's Schindler's List

rical account of Oskar Schindler and his heroic actions in the midst of the horrors of World War II Poland. Schindler's List recounts the life of Oskar Schindler, and how he comes to Poland in search ... ation of a factory that would run on Jewish labor. Around this time, the persecution of the Jews of Poland begins with their forced relocation into ghettoes. This turns out to be timely for Schindler ...

(5 pages) 143 0 4.6 May/1996

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

A Critical Analysis of Thomas Keneally's Schindler's List

rical account of Oskar Schindler and his heroic actions in the midst of the horrors of World War II Poland. Schindler's List recounts the life of Oskar Schindler, and how he comes to Poland in search ... ation of a factory that would run on Jewish labor. Around this time, the persecution of the Jews of Poland begins with their forced relocation into ghettoes. This turns out to be timely for Schindler ...

(5 pages) 126 0 4.1 May/1996

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Film Review and Analysis

A Jew In Germany or Occupied Europe. History empathy coursework.

that I can hopefully relive my youth when I read this when I am an old man. I live in the south of Poland with my family which I adore very much since they mean everything to me. We have a small fami ... ed, I thought about my wife and my children, the people in my street, will we safe? Could he invade Poland, like he did with Czechoslovakia? What has happened to my sister?SEPTEMBER 1st 1939:I tried t ...

(7 pages) 54 0 3.5 Jan/1996

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

A study of the market reforms in Post-Communist eastern Europe eith a specific case study of Poland

A study of the market reforms in post-communist eastern Europe with a specific case study of PolandIntroductionPoland, as well as it's fellow post-communist countries, face an arduous task inre ... of the situation.However, not all countries have addressed the needed changes in the same fashion. Poland has been a leader in foreign investment and involvement when compared to it's post-comminist ...

(14 pages) 244 0 4.6 Feb/1997

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics > Foreign & International Economics

The Course of the Second World War

The Second World War began with Hitler's attack on Poland in 1939 and ended with the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. During these six years many batt ... he success of the Allies and to the collapse of the Axis Powers.On September 1 1939 Hitler attacked Poland and two days later Britain and France declared war. For the next five months little military ...

(7 pages) 160 1 4.4 Jul/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers

The Blitzkrieg and the Invasion of Poland... This is a study of the events leading up to the German invasion of Poland and the influence of Guderian and the Blitzkrieg on the outcome.

ese methods were new and unproven by the Germans and would be put to the ultimate test of combat in Poland on September 1, 139. Complications between the German states were inevitable, and in this pap ... two main questions. These questions are:1.What elements created the hostilities between Germany and Poland that led to the events of 1 September 1939?2.What advancements regarding the military made th ...

(10 pages) 156 1 4.2 Dec/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

"Was the United States Responsible for the Development of the Cold War"

ce. In 1945, they set up a communist referendum in Bulgaria and seized Hungary and Romania in 1947. Poland also became communist that same year. In 1948, Czechoslovakia also became communist. When the ...

(2 pages) 132 3 3.5 Feb/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History

Solidarity and it's impact on Communism in Poland. This is a research essay addressing how the Polish people struggled to overthrow communism in Poland. Bibliography included

Solidarity and its impact on Communism in PolandCommunist ideology comes from Marxist-Leninist philosophy that was started in Russia because o ... ner at the same time (Korab-Karpowicz). The Bolsheviks had always planned to introduce communism to Poland because worldwide revolution was also fundamental to their communist ideology. From January o ... volution was also fundamental to their communist ideology. From January of 1947, when communists in Poland won a rigged election until January 1989, when Solidarity candidates win all but one seat ope ...

(8 pages) 181 1 4.4 Feb/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Some good reason to Hitler's good side.

y any flexibility. The Treaty had many demands such as: a surrender of land to France, Belgium, and Poland. Germany also had to agree to let enemy forces to hold a military occupation over the Rhinela ...

(5 pages) 40 0 4.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History > German History

Poland:My country of Origin.

The country I will be talking about is Poland. I am writing about this specific country because my family traces back to Poland, and I care ... races back to Poland, and I care a lot about it. There are many interesting and amazing facts about Poland that many people; including myself, did not know, and I wish to share these facts for people ... things I will be discussing will be the climate, location, the economy, culture, and literature of Poland, along with other things. I hope you learn some compelling facts about Poland from this paper ...

(3 pages) 86 0 2.8 Apr/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays


ame of a former republic of central Europe, bordered on the north by the Baltic Sea, on the east by Poland, on the south by the Czech Republic, and on the south and west by the former West Germany. An ...

(5 pages) 115 0 3.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays


lf Hitler, used during their conquest of Europe. So quick and startling was the German advance into Poland that the Polish army of one Million soldiers was routed and over seven hundred thousand were ... that Hitler employed used sudden, massive bombing by his Luftwaffe or air force destroying much of Poland's air force on the ground. Then another wave of bombers took out the nation's roads and railw ...

(3 pages) 63 1 4.8 May/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

"Once more to the lake" by E.B White.

ar to these described by White and still fresh in my memory. Especially one when I decided to go to Poland to visit my family. That time I was so excited and so happy that I started to make baggage fa ... s a turtle that hearing many voices and seeing different faces I could notice the diversity. It was Poland, the country that is so close to my heart, and will be there forever. It was already after mi ...

(2 pages) 78 0 3.0 May/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Holocaust, concentration camps, persecution of jews, Westerbork, Auschwaitz, Bergen-Belson.

nsit camp used by the Germans during their occupation of Holland to send Jews to the death camps in Poland. Between July 1942, and September 1943, approximately 110,00 Jewish people passed through the ... ir sealed barracks. The next morning trains carried them to the Auschwitz or Sobibor death camps in Poland, and they always left promptly at 11 o'clock in the morning.Auschwaitz---Auschwitz was the la ...

(2 pages) 65 3 3.6 Sep/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History > German History

This essay is about Elie Wiesel and his life until just after world war II.

garian government said that all Jews who could not prove that they were Hungarian would be taken to Poland (which was also held by the Nazis). Moche the Beadle was sent to Poland but he escaped and ca ...

(2 pages) 42 1 3.5 Nov/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors

Cultural diversity in america.

out his white mother for the first time. Ruth McBride-Jordan was a rabbi's daughter who was born in Poland and raised in the South; she fled to Harlem and married a black man, she helped to start a Ba ...

(4 pages) 216 0 0.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

"The Treaty of Versailles and its effects on Germany" is a summary of the most important aspects concerning this treaty.

15 yearsoEupen-Malmedy (to Belgium)oNorth-Schleswig (to Denmark)oThe main part of West-Preussen (to Poland)oDanzig becomes economic partner of PolandoMemelland (to Lithuania)oHultschiner Ländchen ...

(1 pages) 96 1 2.6 Dec/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History > German History

Explain how Shakespeare's portrayal of characters in Act1 of 'Measure for Measure' link with its genre of a problem play.

can be played in different ways. Scene 1 begins with the Duke leaving Vienna, supposedly bound for Poland. He leaves the area in charge of Angelo."therefore take your honours."Later in the scene 3 th ...

(6 pages) 44 0 3.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

How successful was the league of nations in the 1920's? This essay analyses the problems and difficulties of the first attempt of a world security organization

ved a dramatic situation by issuing a plebiscite to decide the division of land between Germany and Poland.Also in 1921 it arbitrated between Sweden and Finland over their disputes for the Aaland Isla ...

(3 pages) 45 0 4.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > International Organizations & Conflicts

To what Extent Did German Foreign Policy Become More Openly Nazi Rather than Purely Nationalist in the Course of 1938?

nist policy, reversing what had been placed upon them at the treaty of Versailles regaining land in Poland avoiding war with Britain and France and in the long run wanted to make Germany re-establishe ... as the dominant force in central Europe where as Hitler wanted to unite all German speakers and use Poland as a subservient ally against the USSR (originally) to in the long run become a dominant worl ...

(3 pages) 29 0 2.3 Jan/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History