User Details For: Unforgiven

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  • Very good essay

    I would have to say that this essay is actually quite interesting. I have no interest in boats in particular, but this essay I could actually read and understand. Very well written and gave a hefty amount of information needed to determine a Clipper Ship from any other ship. Good work
    • 11/11/2003
    • 23:54:22
    • Score: 8 out of 8 people found this comment useful.
  • I will have to agree with pixel_for_life...this was none of your own work..

    this was none of your own was in fact clipping from a popular online news distributor. I would suggest making this into an essay with a prompt such as; "Explain how credit cards are easily accessed via 'hackers' and how it affects business." That may be a start, other than that, I will leave it up to you.
    • 11/11/2003
    • 23:42:43
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Good start..central thoughts not explained enough

    I loved the concept of Macbeth being "satan" and mixing the whole relationship of religion and this play. I belive that the body of the essay was very short and choppy. To make this essay better, you must expand on the motivating factors that caused Macbeth's power hunger. This will add length to your essay while making your argument stronger and sway your audience to your view. Very good start, I hope to see a revision.
    • 11/11/2003
    • 23:36:43
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.