User Details For: i-pimp-nerds

Essay List
Comments List
  • Good.

    It was good, but I think that maybe you could have gone into more detail with the "Lock Haven Massacre."
    • 11/12/2005
    • 02:53:07
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Good.

    This is a good essay. All the facts seem to be correct and it doesn't drone on and on with useless facts.
    • 09/12/2005
    • 15:52:55
    • Score: 4 out of 5 people found this comment useful.
  • I agree

    it appears we have the same situation. i live in hawaii and love being outside and getting exercise but my little brother never goes outside to do anything other than go to school. he just watches cartoons or plays games on the internet. i constantly beg him to go to outside but he just exclaims "its boring! i'd rather watch tv or play on the computer." and continues with his electronics. its a very good essay!
    • 02/03/2004
    • 15:56:39
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • I dont agree

    A lot of your points are true but there are many young whites who cant afford to go to college or have loans that are almost impossible to pay off also. If blacks are having trouble getting into college because of a bad previous education than they should move somewhere with a better school system. i live in hawaii an the schools here suck. i will probably end up having to go to a community college because the local government doesnt spend much on our schools. there is a law here that every kid in every school here must work in the cafeteria because the schools dont get enough money to pay people to work. the teachers went on strike a few years back because they wernt getting enough money to support their families. i go to a predominently white school but that doesnt mean that i am getting a good education.please dont take this personally. i have nothing against blacks and i think everyone should be treated equally.i hope i dont offend you
    • 02/03/2004
    • 14:24:06
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • I agree

    my school almost made us wear uniforms to keep the teasing level down which wouldnt help and because girls in my school have ben known to wear "skimpy" clothing that distracts guys. if the guys arnt distracted by clothing it would be someting else.
    • 01/03/2004
    • 18:58:02
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.