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  • Obvious errors, did you read the book?

    A)"depicts the life of what appears to be a Bolshevik member during the revolutionary periods of Russia" - This was many years after the revolution, it was the Russian Communist Party at this pointB)"is a fiction story" - It is based on the authors real life experiencesC)"During Rubashov's interaction with the other prisoners, Rubashov learns of how the prison system works" - He was in prison for years, he knew how it worked.D)"forced to hear made-up testimony from an individual who he's never spoken with" - He eventually realizes it was the truth.E)"this book could have been shorten to get its message across...communist is a bad thing" - The reason he dies in the end is because he wants communism to succeed, it is a message against the party not communismAlso the grammar errors are atrocious, you got an A as a college senior with this paper?
    • 20/04/2004
    • 15:51:24
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.