User Details For: Xelmar

Essay List
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  • Needs work..

    Just a few pointers.The first 5-10% of your essay should be devoted to your introduction. This is like a written map stating the issues that you will be exploring in your essay. Quoted material should not appear in the introduction.The last 5-10% of your essay should sum up your arguement in a conclusion, and no new information should be cited in this conclusion. These rules help your essay to be more polished and professional.I do realise that you are American though, and maybe this 'lasse faire' style is expected college level in the USA. America isway down in the global education rankings. I wish I had it this easy.
    • 28/03/2004
    • 21:22:13
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.