User Details For: Aedammair555

Essay List
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  • A brief thought...

    Although your basic argument is well-received, I do not believe that all of the circumstances you cited can be attribute to racism. There are a number of underlying issues that contribute to poverty amongst the minorities, and these were never referred to. However, I believe that you effectively made your point, and the wealth of statistics are quite impressive as well as thought-provoking...
    • 15/04/2004
    • 17:06:55
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • In response...

    The title of your essay confuses me a touch, but the content was fine overall. The writing was a bit choppy and repetitive, though, and be aware of grammar and such (prop. use of 'to' vs. 'too'). Despite mechanical and stylistic problems, I saw the overall message as accurate and a fine thesis.
    • 15/04/2004
    • 14:23:57
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.