User Details For: cstout914

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  • All hail Michelangelo

    This article has and in-depth summary of what made Michelangelo so important to the art revolution and why Michelangelo's work and talent is hailed as unpredcedently exceptional at a time when art was beginning to be defined by true talent, talent that was remarkable like Michelangelo's is what has had art at the forefront of art critque.
    • 24/04/2004
    • 20:26:42
    • Score: 7 out of 7 people found this comment useful.
  • Self-Imaging

    this is a great article on how society and even ourselves as a whole can mold an image of what we desire and can be reflected in ourselves thru a goal of perfection, a quest that will truly never end.
    • 19/04/2004
    • 08:45:29
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Contempory views of Honest Abe Dispelled

    this is a great article that covers in a lesser degree of the forms of indentity of a famous person, that contemporary society may not have viewed them as such a person. However, with many things a connotative association is placed with a person or place, that is often engrave in the mind at an early age.
    • 18/04/2004
    • 23:31:43
    • Score: 5 out of 5 people found this comment useful.