User Details For: midlifecrisis

Essay List
Comments List
  • Multiculturalism In the US

    I was not done with the last comment and the site simply submitted it as I was typingThe author seemed to be trying to defend an assumption "white people are racist" without providing even anecdotal evidence. The subject matter is valid and the author's opinion is very common.I'd say the author is just learning to express themself in print.Not bad
    • 02/05/2002
    • 20:24:58
    • Score: 26 out of 26 people found this comment useful.
  • Multicultural America

    It started out very slow. The author seemed confused and unsure of the grammer. It picked up in the middle with several coherent paragraphs and then slipped back into the original confusion at the end.
    • 02/05/2002
    • 20:21:01
    • Score: 28 out of 28 people found this comment useful.
  • ? an essay on Malcom X I think

    This is a good effort for a high school student.I would put in some work on the continuity, and the grammer. While none of the work seems invalid, it assumes as is fashionable these days, the intrinsic and neverending evil of the white man.This is an aberation that would be funny for all the white people that espouse it, except for the fact that it is simply the same race hatred reversed.The writer also shares an anecdote about how his own family reacted to the arrival of a "black family" in his/her all white town. This is the most effective part of the essay for me. Here the writer demonstrates with personal experience the real solution to race relations problems in America.
    • 28/04/2002
    • 11:46:40
    • Score: 8 out of 8 people found this comment useful.