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  • ???????????

    This essay is poorly researched at best, thats this "not enough gold to back up dollars" nonsense you keep blabering on about, the gold standard for money ended at the turn of this century, and was used again in a diffrent form during the bretton woods era for some years after WWII.Not having enough gold to bakc up every dollar isnt a problem faced only by the US, its also faced by every other country with a floating exchange rate system, but the system has worked quite well the past few decades and i see no reason to have a "revolution against the government would occur due to the fact that they do no have all the gold to back up the citizens' money."
    • 26/04/2004
    • 01:24:15
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Well done

    this is quite an imformative essay on the issue, although i also agree with oldcowhand, works should be cited for this essay, but other than that, well done
    • 26/04/2004
    • 01:07:17
    • Score: 6 out of 6 people found this comment useful.