User Details For: noneu

Essay List
Comments List
  • Pretty good

    The essay is pretty good content wise however the style could use a litle bit of help. Avoid using the work \"like.\" In addition write in third person (don\'t use \"you\" or \"I\"). Another thing to work on would be not to use the word \"probably,\" just say what you mean. Sorry to rant...butother than those things..i enjoyed it :)
    • 07/11/2004
    • 17:12:39
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • My review

    In the 6th paragraph, who is they? Also the essay is all over the place. you are proving a lot of different points in a lot of different ways in each paragraph instead of starting with one idea or point and proving it to be true throughout the essay. The essay is NOT BAD though.
    • 25/04/2004
    • 22:19:27
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.