User Details For: Tiny_Chelle

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  • A few small problems...

    A few of your paragraphs, especially the first few, seem underdeveloped. You have your information about the Catholics and the 10 day work week separated, but in reality, they should be together, given the length of the paragraphs. Also, your last sentence is left to stand alone, without evidence.I am not exactly sure whether you are arguing that Napoleon had a positive influence on France, or a negative one. You say that. "All this success for France was a fantastic benefit", yet in your last sentence you write that, "All in all, Napoleon's costs definitely outweighed his benefits." Throughout your paper, you seem to be contradicting yourself.One last thing...I realize that you included a bibliography with your paper, yet you neglected to cite the direct quote you used in the essay ("If anyone chooses to rebel against these new decisions of the law, they will pay with their life."). How is the reader to know from where you obtained the quote?
    • 29/08/2007
    • 10:39:15
    • Score: 3 out of 3 people found this comment useful.
  • Wow

    This essay was very interesting. I especially liked how you outed CheatHouse as a method students use for cheating. Nicely done.
    • 22/06/2007
    • 18:45:35
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Good job!

    A very interesting read. I never thought about the novel in this context before, but you did a great job of backing up your arguments with excellent quotes from the novel. The little tidbits about Victorian life that you threw in were a nice touch. I am half tempted to break out my copy of Jane Eyre and pull an all-night reread.
    • 16/01/2007
    • 15:15:12
    • Score: 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful.
  • Was Hitler Gay?

    Your bibliography is huge. But I don't think all of the resources could nec. be called "reliable"I found the essay very interesting but slightly biased. Perhaps you could have talked a bit more about the other side of the argument?...The conclusion was very well written and contained (in my opinion) some of the best thoughts and evidence in the whole essay.
    • 26/08/2006
    • 01:54:46
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Interesting topic

    When I first saw the title for this, I started laughing. How could you possibly argue "pros" for prostitution?! But after reading it, I think you presented and argued both sides quite well. Although...reading the essay hasn't changed my opinion. I'm still against the legalization of prostitution.
    • 26/08/2006
    • 01:44:37
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.
  • Awesome!

    This was a great essay. I liked that you offered the opinion - not just of Christians- but of several other religions. Great job!
    • 26/08/2006
    • 01:38:52
    • Score: 0 out of 0 people found this comment useful.
  • Comments

    I am a Pro-Lifer all the way. Even though I don't agree with your opinion, I must say that I think your paper was well written and you presented a lot of good points and used some excellent resources.
    • 25/08/2006
    • 13:24:01
    • Score: 2 out of 2 people found this comment useful.